Protect Your Tires and Rims With a Wheel Alignment

Protect Your Tires and Rims With a Wheel Alignment

Improperly aligned wheels can cause damage to your vehicle, and it will also harm your car’s handling and fuel efficiency. Our Factory Trained Technicians will be able to take precise measurements to align your vehicle for those long drives correctly

  • Why does the vehicle need a wheel alignment?
    Driving on adequately aligned wheels can help improve the safety of your vehicle, help increase the gas mileage you’re able to achieve, and often makes for a smoother ride. Getting regular tire alignments can also save you money in the long run by ensuring that your tires last longer, so you don’t have to replace them as often.

  • How can wheels come out of alignment?
    If you replace the tires on your vehicle, the alignment can be thrown off. This is why most tire shops offer alignment with new tire purchases. But your car can also be thrown out of alignment by hitting a deep pothole, running over a curb, or hitting another road hazard.

  • What could go wrong?
    Driving on wheels out of alignment can cause uneven tread wear and make the tire tread disappear faster. An uneven or low tread is the number one reason for tire replacement. Failing to have the wheels on your vehicle regularly aligned will cause you to replace the tires more quickly.

  • What do we do in the shop?
    We put each tire on the alignment rack, indicating the needed adjustments. Once we have the report, the car goes up on the hoist and time is spent ensuring each tire is aligned to specifications. Our technicians will then go on a test drive to confirm the alignment and, if needed, make more adjustments.